Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson Died of Heart Attack At Age 50

(Michael Jackson - In his early days…)

Regardless of whether you like Michael or not as a person, we cannot deny that he has touched millions of people all around the world.

If you think an actor has done a good job entertaining people, then Michael would be #1.

And whether you know or not, Michael’s movement like “Heal The World” concept has created awareness of saving our planet and humanity– because he has so many fans, they’re willing to hear Michael’s message. Lastly, I believe Michael has helped to raise fund for many non-profit and charity organizations all around the world.

Now, not everyone likes Michael Jackson and that’s understandable.

Today, when Michael left us - many of us suddenly remembered him. And I believe (I could be wrong), even those who ridicule him will stop.

His music will be ‘alive’ again.


If you want to treat someone well, treat him/her now.
If you want to stop ridiculing someone, stop it now.
If you want to stop being angry with someone, stop it now.
If you want to appreciate something, appreciate it now before it’s gone.
If you want to make someone happy, do it now.
Heck, if you want to make yourself happy, DO IT NOW.

Even if nobody dies, time passes so fast and within a blink of an eye, everything changes. I know, it’s scary so don’t take things for granted. I’m not just telling you, I’m telling myself because I’ve been taking things for granted too.

Michael Jackson, rest in peace. You have my respect for your talent, contributions and your heart to ‘heal the world’.

Michael Jackson Heal The World Clinton Gala 1992:

Click here to read the news.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Five Keys to Healthy Eating

Since nutrition seems to create the biggest challenge for most of my clients, I developed what I call the Five Keys to Healthy Eating.

The keys are summarized here:

1. Enjoy what you eat— surprised? You shouldn’t be. You acquired a taste for coffee or beer, so why not healthy foods and beverages such as what we have in DXN products? Stop going on a diet, and change the way you eat.

2. Believe in what you are doing— you know what the weak words are, like “try” and “hope.” If you “hope this is going to work” then it won’t. Find a product, program, or method that you believe in.

We’ve all had a sense of knowing that something would come to pass. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find that balance in life that gives you the same sense of peace and knowing.

3. Practice moderation— the best advice about healthy living was penned by Hippocrates around 400 B.C. He said, “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Stop going on extreme diets and being either “on” or “off.” Find that “sweet spot” in the middle.

4. Be flexible with new ideas— diets come and go. So do fitness trends. Sometimes the idea that seems strange is the one you’ve been waiting for.

Just because one style of eating helped you lose weight the first time doesn’t mean it’s what your body needs for continued health. Try out new ideas and find the ones that fit.

5. Learn to hear your body— most people are used to eating junk. Even though the body knows this food is not good, you simply tune out the “noise.” By getting back in touch with your body and instincts, you can learn how to eat because the answer is right inside you.

If you really learn how to listen, your body will share with you how much protein you need, how many vegetables and pieces of fruit to eat in a day and whether you’re getting enough fluid.

What Is Network Marketing?

If you've been looking for a home-based business, you have undoubtedly come upon business opportunities that are referred to as Network Marketing programs. Also known as Multi-Level Marketing or MLM, Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products.
Rather than using the customary distribution process that moves from manufacturer to warehouse to wholesaler to retailer to end customer, Network Marketing companies use a network of independent marketers to move the products directly from the manufacturer to the end customer.

The independent marketers earn a percentage of the profit on all sales they make. While it's possible and highly recommended to earn an income by selling to customers directly, the real power of Network Marketing is that you are allowed to build a down line of other independent marketers below you, and earn a percentage of their combined sales.

Think about it!

You may be a great salesman and have a few dozen good customers. You make your percentage from all their purchases.


But wouldn't it be better if you had a down line of 10, 100, 1000, or even 10,000 other people also making sales and you earning a percentage of all those sales? Of course it would.

There is limited amount of time any one person can spend working.

By having a down line working with you, you can multiply that time.

Imagine having a down line of 1000 people each putting in only an hour a day five days a week. In one month 20,000 hours of work would be done.

It would take one person 10 years to produce the same amount of work.

Now you can see how it's possible that successful Network Marketers can make huge monthly incomes.

If you're ready to get started building your own Network Marketing business get back to the person who introduced you to DXN International and he will be more than happy to assist you.

So what is it? People Business?

It’s a business about helping people, making it the fairest form of business today network marketing!

Really there are two different opportunities that call themselves Network Marketing. There are the Network Marketing / Multi-Level Companies and direct sales companies.

These companies are best described as a non-traditional form of business, so what’s the difference. In a traditional business you have lots of overhead, employees, health insurance for your employees, office rent the list goes on and on. Non-traditional businesses are usually worked from home.

This eliminates the high overhead of the traditional business. You also get to set your work schedule.

Let's compare the two.

Network marketing / Multi-level marketing (MLM)

They usually offer reasonably priced products and services that people consume in a short time.

Generally the commission structure is less up-front then the direct sales companies, but it has a benefit that most direct sales companies do not have and that is residual income.

- It costs less to get involved with this form of business, a few hundred dollars.

- Allowing more people to become involved.

- Residual Income.

Network marketing is about sales and distribution, but a different kind of sales. It’s more of a soft sale or recommendation then the hard closing type that you’re accustomed to with the typical salesman or saleswoman in the direct sales.

Direct Sales Companies

These companies are known as seller-based, they market higher priced, usually one time sales items. The benefits of these programs are you make higher commissions but they have very little if any residual income. Essentially if you stop working so does your income.

You are paid directly on what you personally sell, so you have to sell lots and lots of merchandise. This also limits you to the type of people you can bring into your business as the “salesperson” type. Direct sales cost more to get involved with usually in the thousands of dollar range, again limiting you on the number of people!

How do Network Marketing Work ?

Network marketing is a business model whose time has come. It is literally the finest example of the free enterprise system. One in which common people can invest a small sum of money and through sheer tenacity in determination rise to staggering levels of financial reward and personal freedom. Just like your employer leverages your time, through network marketing you can leverage the time of others.

What does this mean?

Each of you is doing a small amount gathering customers and starting new people into your business. You are looking at a business model that will take 3 to 5 years to produce the kind of results you’re looking for.

So don’t give up your day job just yet. It will require 5 to 20 hours of work a week become successfully in Network Marketing. This is not a get rich quick overnight program, never has and never will be.

Network marketing is based on word of mouth advertising which is the best form of advertising. Think about it when you go out and watch a great movie you go out and tell people about it. When discount programme shop moved to your area, you joined their buying programme and started telling everyone how much you saved.

Major advertising agencies and companies count on this. This is one of the things that we do as network marketers. The major difference is that we get paid for our word of mouth advertising.

One of the most often asked questions is will I have to sell products and services?

The answer is of course yes. Think about it no one likes to have a salesman or woman come to the door and sell them products right. We all hate to go to the car dealers, where you are swarmed with 5 different sales people all trying to get you to buy from them right!

So how are we different?

We just recommend products and services that we like and personally use. If we know it’s good and personally use it, recommending it to our friends and family is very easy.

Products and Services

The most successful people in network marketing love their products. It is much easier to soft sell a product when you really do use and enjoy the product. So you have to have well to great things to say about your products and services.

You must be a product of your product. Think about this if you own X brand of gas station would you drive across the street to by at Y brand? Of course not!

Does it have a Duplicative Business System?

This is vitally important but is missing in a lot of network marketing companies. Do they leave it up to you? Look for a company and a team that has a system in place that you can use day one in your network marketing business.


Good management is a must in this business, what is their experience. They train and train the people, think about this for a minute how many times in the past year have you heard of a new start up opportunity?

We get them every other day it seems like! Most if not all of these companies are started with management that has little to no experience in network marketing.

These companies contribute to the high failure rate in this business.

"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business."

Quote by Robert T. Kiyosaki “ Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Robert Kiyosaki explains that building a network marketing business....... is a revolutionary way to achieve wealth.

... makes it possible for anyone to acquire great wealth.
... is open to anyone who has the drive, determination and perseverance.

Is Ganoderma a drug or a healthy food ?

Is Ganoderma a drug or a healthy food?

This is the question, which rattles health authorities in Europe, who see the need of reinventing the wheel.

Since the US, Canada and Australia, not to mention the majority of Asian countries, acknowledged most herbal ingredients of the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) to be healthy food (superfood), Europe evaluates and re-evaluates the entire package, if it might not be possible to classify them as doctor's drugs.

The fact that they promote health is good enough to make them a doctor's affair, and everybody assumes that the modern western medicine-man's task is to deal with diseases, rather to prevent them.

The major setup of western medicine is focussed on treating illness, segmental intervention (when it is too late often), a human repair shop with lots of efforts to escape the "point of no return".

The old medicine emphasizes prevention ("one ounce of prevention is better than one pound of cure").

The best doctor is our body, because it knows much better what it needs. We just have to provide all ingredients via a healthy nutrition and our body (normally) does the rest to stay afloat.

But we have to be sure that our food is healthy! Modern times bring modern ways of nourishing oneself, far away from providing our system with what it needs. Lack of vitamins, fibers etc. dominates the tables and Fastfood Rules...

In this scenario Ganoderma gains importance as a health booster and protector.

Since Ganoderma is healthy food, and healthy food is medicine and vice versa (Hippocrates), it has an impact on all body functions which are responsible for maintaining a good health, the immune system on top of this list.

In case of illness, Ganoderma strengthens body functions and helps the body to cure itself.

It provides major tools for the body to regenerate itself and shift back to a healthy status. This is done in different steps, as follows:

A. Scanning (1 - 30 days):

1. Diseases are caused by imbalance of body function
2. Ganoderma can help to regulate body function
3. From the reaction to the intake of Ganoderma, we can identify the
ailing area, which is known as the scanning effect

B. Cleansing or Detoxification (1 - 30 weeks):

1. Uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposit, calcium deposit, bad tissue
and chemical accumulation and other toxins are removed.
2. They are removed by:

a) Sweating b) The circulatory system - (kidney and liver) through urination and stool c) Boil, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge

C. Regulating (1 - 12 months):

1. Balancing effect to regulate body functions
2. Many effects can be observed during regulations. This is a sign that
the body is healing itself. If the reaction is too vigorous, reduce the

D. Building (6 - 24 months):

1. Processing of building and healing of body parts that have sustained
injuries or damages
2. Strengthening of the immune system, physical strength and mental
calmness, more resistance to diseases
3. Supply of essential elements to the body, such as minerals and
triterpenoids for the recovery of body functions

E. Regenerating (1 - 3 years):

1. This is the ultimate aim to consume Ganoderma
2. It is the process whereby our body is functioning at its optimum level
which is actually a rejuvenating effect (restore youthful appearance,
strength and peace of mind)

Nevertheless modern pharmacology analyzes Ganoderma and its components and found some of them extremely effective in the treatment of various deseases, concentrated polysaccharides, triterpenes, acids etc highly purified.

But this has to be considered as a different approach, an obvious attempt to convert a healthy food into a drug through isolation and purification of its components.

The purification process creates a substance of extreme concentration which has poisonous potentials and so the former harmless Ganoderma becomes a killer-drug, very effective yet dangerous ("Everything is poisonous, it depends only on its concentration", Louis Pasteur).

Under "normal" circumstances Ganoderma helps to maintain health and improves body functions of patients with a variety of diseases through immune boosting/modificating capabilities.

The amount of its "ingredients" is high enough to be effective and low enough, not to provoke side effects, normally known from medicaments.

Since it contains more than 200 bio-active substances it can claim a wide array of health promoting and preventive effects against medical indications, normally a "cannot-be" in western medicine.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Caffeine and Energy Boosting Drugs: Energy Drinks

What are energy drinks?

Energy drinks are beverages like Red Bull, Venom, Adrenaline Rush, 180, ISO Sprint, and Whoopass, which contain large doses of caffeine and other legal stimulants like ephedrine, guarana, and ginseng. Energy drinks may contain as much as 80 mg of caffeine, the equivalent of a cup of coffee. Compared to the 37 mg. of caffeine in a Mountain Dew, or the 23 mg. in a Coca-Cola Classic, that's a big punch. These drinks are marketed to people under 30, especially to college students, and are widely available both on and off campus.

Are there short-term dangers to drinking energy drinks?

Individual responses to caffeine vary, and these drinks should be treated carefully because of how powerful they are. Energy drinks' stimulating properties can boost the heart rate and blood pressure (sometimes to the point of palpitations), dehydrate the body, and, like other stimulants, prevent sleep.

Energy drinks should not be used while exercising as the combination of fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated.

Know what you're drinking. Energy drinks are not necessarily bad for you, but they shouldn't be seen as "natural alternatives" either. Some of the claims they make like "improved performance and concentration" can be misleading. If you think of them as highly-caffeinated drinks, you'll have a more accurate picture of what they are and how they affect you. You wouldn't use Mountain Dew as a sports drink. And a drink like Red Bull and vodka is more like strong coffee and whisky than anything else.

What happens when energy drinks are combined with alcohol?

Energy drinks are also used as mixers with alcohol. This combination carries a number of dangers:

- Since energy drinks are stimulants and alcohol is a depressant, the combination of effects may be dangerous.

-The stimulant effects can mask how intoxicated you are and prevent you from realizing how much alcohol you have consumed. Fatigue is one of the ways the body normally tells someone that they've had enough to drink.

The stimulant effect can give the person the impression they aren't impaired. No matter how alert you feel, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the same as it would be without the energy drink. Once the stimulant effect wears off, the depressant effects of the alcohol will remain and could cause vomiting in your sleep or respiratory depression.

- Both energy drinks and alcohol are very dehydrating (the caffeine in energy drinks is a diuretic).

Dehydration can hinder your body's ability to metabolize alcohol and will increase the toxicity, and therefore the hangover, the next day.

If you are health conscious like me, I highly recommend to you to try DXN products for your over all wellness. I've been using these for over 5 years now and its giving me and my family a healthy lifestyle.

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It's one of the most popular drugs in the world, consumed by up to 90% of people in the world in one form or another, but mostly in beverages. It is a naturally occurring substance found in plants like cocoa beans, tea leaves, and kola nuts.

What are the effects of caffeine?

Caffeine's strongest effects are felt for about an hour after taking it, but some effects usually last 4 to 6 hours. Caffeine causes increased neuron firing in the brain which the pituitary gland perceives as an emergency and therefore causes the adrenal glands to release adrenaline. Caffeine also increases dopamine levels -- the neurotransmitter that is affected by drugs like amphetamines and heroin. Obviously, it does this on a much reduced level from those drugs, but this may be the source of caffeine's addictive quality.

While caffeine is mildly addictive, it has not been shown to have a direct link with any serious health risks. Still, anyone who's been up all night after drinking too much coffee can tell you that caffeine can affect a person's mood and sleep pattern. Here are some of the frequent effects of caffeine:

Caffeine is a diuretic. Caffeine prompts the body to lose water through urination. This can lead to dehydration and is the reason that caffeinated drinks are not a good idea when working out or doing other activities that require fluids. In fact, it is suggested that you add 8 ounces of water for every cup of coffee you drink.

Caffeine can cause you to feel jittery, skittish, restless, excitable or anxious. It can temporarily speed the heart rate. If you're feeling stressed out, then a cup of coffee can exacerbate, rather than help, this feeling. Too much caffeine can hurt a person's ability to concentrate, making it difficult to study.

Caffeine can cause insomnia. It can be very hard to fall asleep when you take a lot of caffeine. This is especially true if you take it at night, but is also true of higher doses earlier in the day.
Caffeine at high doses can cause headaches.

Some caffeinated beverages can have other health effects. For instance, the acid in coffee can upset the stomach, and coffee (though not the caffeine in it) can worsen ulcers, raise blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and speed up the heart rate, increasing the risk of heart disease.

Caffeine can have negative effects on pregnant women or on women who would like to become pregnant including an increased risk for difficult conception and miscarriage. Caffeine is transmitted through the placenta and through breast milk to the baby. Therefore, if you're pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, the FDA recommends that you stop taking caffeine or cut back to 1 cup per day.

How much caffeine am I having?

In the U.S., the average person drinks 200 milligrams a day (about two 8 ounce cups of coffee). Check out the list below to see how much you're having.

Beverage/Food Serving Size Average Amt. (mg) Range (mg)
Brewed Coffee 8 ounce 85 65-120
Instant Coffee 8 ounce 75 60-85
Decaf, Brewed 8 ounce 3 2-4
Decaf, Instant 8 ounce 3 1-4
Espresso Single 2 ounce 80 60-100
Cappuchino/Latte 2 ounce 80 60-100
Moccachino 2 ounce 90 70-110
Black Tea 8 ounce 40 30-60
Decaf Black Tea 8 ounce 4 5
Green Tea 8 ounce 40 30-50
Iced tea mix, 8 ounce 13
Iced tea, 8 ounce 30
ready to drink
Cocoa Beverage 5 ounce 5 2-20
Chocolate Milk 8 ounce 5 2-7
Dark Chocolate, 1 ounce 20 5-35 semi-sweet

How do I cut back on caffeine?

Remember that caffeine is addictive. If you feel like you can't get going in the morning, feel overtired during the day from not having caffeine, or get headaches when you try to stop taking caffeine regularly, these are signs of dependence.

If you're having trouble sleeping, feel like you are consuming too much caffeine or you don't like the effects of caffeine on your body, here are some suggestions for quitting or cutting back:

Switch to decaffeinated beverages, or to a mixture of decaffeinated and regular coffee.

Reduce the number of caffeinated drinks you have every day. If you have coffee in the morning and a Coke in the afternoon, try skipping the Coke and replace it with water or juice.

Brew tea for a shorter time. The less time you brew it, the less caffeine it will contain. Try herbal teas or herbal coffees which usually don't contain caffeine.

Watch out for soft drinks and energy drinks like Red Bull which can contain added caffeine. This will be listed on the label.

If you are trying to quit and feel yourself getting a headache, you can try having a small amount of caffeine to alleviate the headache. For some people, this helps keep up the momentum to quit.

Know what's in over-the-counter medications. These can contain large doses of caffeine, too.
Drink water or non-caffeinated drinks when you're thirsty. Remember, caffeinated beverages will only add to your body's dehydration.

If you are looking for coffee alternatives that will not harm your health, try DXN Lingzhi Coffee.