Monday, July 20, 2009


PH Level......what the heck is a PH level?

I am sure that is what most people will say when they read this blog.

Your PH level is the Acid/Alkaline level of your body and it is EXTREMELY important.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever seen an ad on television foran anti-acid product like Tums, Priolsec,Pepcid AC or Zantac 75?

I bet you answered YES!

Let me ask you another question.

Have you ever seen an ad on television telling you to check your PH levels?

I bet you have not!


Because, drug companies make billions selling you these products.

Did you know that almost all acid problems are caused by an acid/alkaline imbalance in your system?

Did you know that you may be able to throw away all those pills if you simply balance your PH?

Did you know that MANY diseases have their root cause in an acid imbalance?

If your body is too acidic you may well suffer from constant indigestion, heartburn, fatigue and many other symptoms.

How can you check your PH levels and correct them if your body is too acidic?

PH urine test strips are available at most health food stores and drug stores.

Make it a habit to check your PH levels at least once per month.

Your PH should be 7.3 to 7.4 which is ideal.

If your body check out to be too acidic do the following:

1. Add more fruit to your diet such as Watermelon, Mango,Papaya, Grapefruit, Limes.

2. Add more vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and garlic.

3. Squeeze lemon in your drinking water.

Stay away from:

1. White flour

2. Pork

3. Beef

4. Shell fish

5. Cheese

6. Ice cream

We have been using DXN products since 2004 to stay healthier, feel and look good.

If you are interested to learn more about DXN products, you can email me or visit my website at for a detailed tour on how this miracle mushroom can improve your overall health.
Until next health blog...

Yours in health...

Thursday, July 16, 2009


(The information shared below was a reply on psoriasis by a DXN product expert on how DXN's food supplement products may help the problem in a natural way.)

PSORIASIS is an immune-mediated disease. This means the condition is caused by faulty signals in the body’s immune system.

It is believed that psoriasis develops when the immune system tells the body to over-react and accelerate the growth of skin cells. Normally, skin cells mature and are shed from the skin’s surface every 28 to 30 days. But in the case of psoriatic cell, it takes only about 8 days. Thus causing scaly patches spread to cover larger and larger area.

As psoriasis is related to immune system, a healthy diet and a positive mental outlook is essential for a strong immune system. Stressful condition and nervous tension tend to worsen the psoriatic condition.

Please find below some of the recommendations to share with a psoriasis patient.

1. Get plenty of dietary fiber for maintaining a healthy colon. The build up of toxins in the colon may interrupt the normal immune responses.

MycoVeggie is an excellent choice of fiber. Kindly take half hour before breakfast and lunch.

One scoop of fiber powder mix well in 250 ml of luke warm water and drink immediately once prepare.

2. Include plenty of fruits, grains, vegetables and deep sea fish in daily meal.

3. Avoid fried food, processed food and saturated fats (found in red meat and dairy product).

4. Consume DXN Spirulina tablet daily as a good source of essential fatty acids, chlorophyll and beta carotene.

These nutrients are crucial for a healthy immune system. Can start with 3 tablets per day and can increase gradually up to 20 tablets.

5. Consume DXN Lion's Mane tablet daily for promoting a healthy digestive system and nervous system. Can start with 3 tablets per day and can increase gradually up to 20 tablets.

6. Consume 2 teaspoons of DXN Reishi Mushroom Powder daily as it contains a wide spectrum of nutrients which help to regulate and balance our inner body systems.

7. Consume DXN Morinzhi daily, 2 tablespoons in 250ml of water and twice per day. Morinzhi is a nutritious beverage that is rich in various types of vitamins and minerals.

The Vitamin C in DXN Morinzhi assists in skin repairing, skin healing and promotes overall skin health.Please seek medical advice from professional health care provider as the patient is experiencing diarrhea and lower blood pressure.

The above recommendations only serve as a useful supplement to the conventional medication applied in psoriasis.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ways To Strengthen The Immune System

Inside your body there is a mechanism designed to defend you from millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites.

Strengthen the immune system which protects your body by warding off attacks from diseases and viruses.

Antioxidants found in foods make a strong contribution to this fight.

The immune system protects the body by helping it to ward-off and recover from various diseases.

While stress reduction and regular exercise are known to assist in strengthening the immune system, the types of food consumed make the largest contribution to a healthy immune system.

Eating a well-balanced diet including a variety of healthful foods will boost this system's effectiveness like nothing else.

The chief destructive force that the immune system has to contend with is free radicals. Free radicals damage healthy cells by causing cell alterations (mutations) which can lead to serious illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.

However, certain substances present in food can destroy free radicals. These substances are called antioxidants.

One of the strongest antioxidants is vitamin C, which boosts the immune system to aggressively react on cancer cells.

Diets high in this nutrient are linked to reduced risks for stomach, breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, green peppers, cantaloupes and broccoli

Those who use tobacco products should eat even more foods containing vitamin C or take supplements since smoking deplete vitamin C reserves quicker than others.

Another important antioxidant is vitamin E. This nutrient helps to slow down the symptoms of aging and strengthen body cells that fight infection.

People who eat foods rich in vitamin E or take supplements have an added weapon against bacteria and viruses. Vitamin E also helps in the fight against heart disease and cancer. Good food sources of are whole grain foods and vegetable oils. Supplements are recommended to reach the daily requirement of this vitamin.

Check with your doctor on the dose.

Carotenoids are antioxidants that help to strengthen the immune system by producing lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are cells important to fighting infection. The best sources for carotenoids are the red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupes, pumpkin, etc. and leafy green foods. The four important carotenoids are beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these provide excellent protection against disease.

The immune system gains strength from minerals to synthesize proteins which make up all the cells of the body. Important minerals include: ---zinc, which increases the number of lymphocytes to fight cancers. Dietary sources of zinc are whole grains and cooked oysters ---iron, which fights infection and strengthens overall immunity.

However, too much iron can be harmful and a physician should be consulted before starting a program of using iron supplements. Meats, dried beans and tofu are good sources of iron. ---selenium, which helps to increase the number of antibodies and encourages growth of immune cells. This mineral can cause damage if too much is ingested so supplements are not recommended. Food sources are fish, grains and nuts.

A low fat diet is very important for a strong immune system. Excess fat hampers the ability of the body to fight off bacteria and free radicals. Lowering fat in the diet can be accomplished by limiting the intake of fatty foods and making low fat and low calorie meal substitutions.

What is this so called the "King of Herbs" or "Miracle Mushroom"?

For over 4000 years Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum) have been recognized by Chinese medical professionals as a valuable remedy.

Its Chinese name Lingzhi, means "spiritual potency". Reishi mushrooms are regarded by the Chinese as the "Medicine of Kings". Dr. Shi-Jean Lee, the most famous Chinese medical doctor of the Ming Dynasty, strongly endorsed the effectiveness of Reishi in his famous book, Ban Chao Gang Moo ("Great Pharmacopoeia"). He stated that the "long-term taking of Reishi (Lingzhi)
will build a strong, healthy body & assure a long life."

Ganoderma Lucidum contains high concentration of Organic Germanium, Polysaccharides and Triterpenes. These active components are proven to strengthen our immunity cells and improve our immune system.

As the "King of Herbs", Reishi is widely used for different purposes. It is used for symptomatic relief of arthritis and of menopausal anxiety. It is also used in treating allergic asthma, hypertension, hypothyroidism, bronchitis, insomnia, general anxiety and stress, and cardiovascular problems. Reishi also is often the main ingredient in herbal formulas for immune dysfunction syndromes, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Since Reishi is natural, it doesn't carry side effects, over dose and under dose. It also can be used by anyone from a small child to older persons regardless of age.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Kiwi Fruit Benefits

Kiwi fruit is the most nutrient-rich of the top 26 fruits consumed in the world today. It also has the highest density of any fruit for vitamin C and magnesiumóa limited mineral in the food supply of most affluent countries and a nutrient important for cardiovascular health. Among the top three low-sodium, high-potassium fruits, kiwifruit ranks number one, having more potassium than a banana or citrus fruits.

Based on the data published in the international scientific literature and the U.S. Food and Drug Administrationís approved legal definition of a good (>10% of the daily value (DV)) or excellent (>20% of the DV) source, kiwifruit may be classified as an excellent source of vitamin C as well as dietary fiber. By the FDA's definition, kiwifruit would also be a good source of vitamin E and potassium. Kiwifruit is low fat and contains no cholesterol.

Unlike other fruits, kiwifruit has an unusually broad complement of nutrients. Most fruits tend to be high in only one or two nutrients, but kiwifruit delivers 8% DV of folic acid, 8% DV of copper, 8% DV of pantothenic acid, 6% DV of calcium and magnesium, 4% DV of iron and vitamin B6, 2% DV of phosphorus and trace amounts of vitamin A (beta carotene) and other vitamins and minerals.
Kiwifruit has been shown to contain an antimutagenic component, helping to prevent the mutations of genes that may initiate the cancer process. The presence of glutathione may account for the reduction.

· Carcinogenic nitrates are formed during the smoking or barbecuing of foods. When nitrates are ingested, a process called nitrosation can occur, in which free radicalsónitrosaminesóare formed that may lead to the formation of gastric or other cancers. Kiwi has been demonstrated to aid in the prevention of nitrosation.

· In another in vitro test with cultured mammalian-cell lines, kiwifruit extract was found to inhibit melanoma, or skin cancer.

· The amino acid arginine, present in kiwifruit, is being looked at by cardiologists to improve postangioplasty blood flow and actually prevent the formation (or reformation) of plaque in the arteries.

· Kiwifruit is ranked as having the fourth highest natural antioxidant potentialónext to the red fruits containing high levels of beta carotene.

· Lutein, an important phytochemical found in kiwifruit, has been linked to the prevention of prostate and lung cancer.

· In addition to kiwifruit being recognized by the FDA as an excellent source of dietary fiber, studies indicate that it contains another not-yet-isolated compound that accelerates digestive transit time even faster than dietary fiber aloneóimportant for colorectal cancer prevention. The benefit of this laxative action is to decrease the build-up of cancer-promoting metabolites.

· Kiwifruit is one of the few fruits that are green at maturity, and chlorophyll is responsible for that color. Several studies have suggested that chlorophyllin, a derivative of chlorophyll, is an inhibitor of liver carcinogenesis.
Depression· Inositol is found in kiwifruit. Recent studies have shown that inositol, because of its function as a precursor of an intracellular second messenger system, can be beneficial in the treatment of depression.
· Inositol, a sugar alcohol naturally occurring in kiwifruit, may play a positive role in regulating diabetes. Inositol supplements may improve nerve conduction velocity in diabetic neuropathy.

· Inositol plays a role in intracellular responses to hormones and neurotransmitters. It acts as a second messenger in cell signaling processes.
Eye Health/Macular Degeneration
· Fourteen million American adults needlessly suffer from macular degeneration. Kiwifruit is rich in phytochemicalsóxanthophylls and especially a subcomponent, lutein. Lutein is known to accumulate in the retina of the eye. Recent USDA studies have linked these important compounds to the prevention of macular degenerationóthe leading cause of irreversible blindness in the U.S.

· Kiwi fruit contains a wealth of carotenoids (beta carotenes, luteins and xanthophylls); phenolic compounds (flavonoids and anthocyanins) and antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The excellent complement of antioxidants in kiwifruit may help prevent the oxidation of the good cholesterol (HDLs).

· Kiwifruit is particularly high in two amino acids: arginine and glutamate. Arginine may help promote an increase in arteriolar dilation, working as a vasodilator and improving blood flowóimportant for heart health.

· The FDA considers kiwifruit a good source of vitamin E, crucial for a healthy heart.

· Kiwi fruit contains magnesium at 6% DV. Magnesium is thought to be in short supply in the diets of affluent countries. Poor magnesium status is associated with heart disease, myocardial infarction and hypertension.

· Kiwi fruit contains pectin, which has been shown to lower cholesterol.
Cardiologists believe the sodium-to-potassium ratio is critical for heart health. That ratio is extremely favorable in kiwifruit.
· Kiwifruit has been shown to be an immune boosterómost likely due to its extremely high vitamin C content and its complement of antioxidant compounds.
· Kiwi fruit contains the amino acid arginine, a well-known vasodilator that has been used to treat impotence in men.
Physical Fitness
· Kiwifruit contains a wide range of minerals (electrolytes) essential for replenishing those lost during exerciseóespecially in hot environments. It is also a naturally significant source of electrolytes for a preworkout regimen.

· In China, a kiwi-based sport drink was designed to overcome athletic training in a hot environment, where large amounts of minerals can be lost in sweat. A 5% addition of carbohydrates to the kiwifruit juice helped to maintain a normal glucose level during exhaustive training. The sports drink was tested on Chinaís elite soccer and track teams and in a more controlled experiment on amateur athletes. The results? Subjects were able to ride a Monark ergometer longer, hematocrit increased significantly after exercise, the drink maintained blood glucose at normal levels when training lasted more than 2.5 hours without affecting insulin levels and vitamin C status of the athletes improved as measured by urinary output. Best of all, athletes said it was fragrant, tasty, refreshing and thirst quenching. It appeared to have no negative side effects (Di et al, 1990).
Stress Reduction
· Kiwifruit contains a relatively high level of serotonin. Serotonin causes a calming effect in most individuals.

Weight Control

· Calorie for calorie, kiwifruit is one of the most nutrient-rich fruits. You get the best balance of nutrients per calorie (the most nutrients for the fewest calories) from kiwifruit, cantaloupe, papaya and lemons.

Want a quality Kiwi products, try DXN Kiwi?

DXN Kiwi is a concentrated fruit juice and is free from artificial colouring. This beverage quenches your thirst with a smooth texture and delicious taste. Serve your guest with this refreshing drink during any festive season or celebration.

One bottle can make up to 6 liters of high quality refreshing Kiwi Juice drinks.
Other Kiwi Fruit Articles: