Thursday, September 10, 2009


Don't tell me your age, you'd probably will lie anyway.

But this will show you how consuming DXN products can tell your age THIS YEAR (2009) !!!

Step 1: Answer this question:
“How many times in a week you are consuming DXN products?” (Your answer should be 1 to 9)

Step 2: Multiply the result by TWO to make it more believable.

Anyway, you are a wise consumer of DXN products, right?

Step 3: Add FIVE to the result from Step 2.

Step 4: Multiply the result of Step 3 by FIFTY.

Step 5: From the result of Step 4, add 1,759 IF you already had your birthday this year (2009).
IF NOT YET, add 1,758 only.

Step 6: Subtract your four digit birth year from the Step 5 result.

*** You should now have a three-digit answer ***

The last 2 digits on the RIGHT is your AGE (Yes! Surprised?).

While the digit on the LEFT is your answer on Step 1.

If you think this is cool, share it to ALL your DXN partners and friends…

More Power !!!